We arrived back from MO at about 4:30, loaded up all my equipment and goats and took of for the fair. We made it in time, and I got right to work getting my girls ready. I had already clipped 2 of them, so they just had to be washed and dried, and then I clipped the last one. I take SO long clipping goats, so we didn't get finished up until about 9:30. I was taking my time though, because I was talking to a lady for a while, and then people would come through and ask questions and such. Several times I had quite the group standing there watching me. :D Somehow our stalls were like right where everybody came into the barns so we had tons of people coming through. :) It was so funny though, because we were right next to a whole row of La Mancha goats (they don't have ears) and it seemed like EVERYBODY almost was constantly asking "why do those goats not have ears??" or "do they cut their ears off?" I probably got asked that at LEAST 20 times! :D LOL at least with my girls I don't have to worry about that question...they've got ears a plenty! :P Then I had one person ask me if you could use my clippers to cut a little boys hair... she liked how quiet they were. :D I was like, well I guess you could, it's the same type thing. :D
The Tuesday show didn't go so well for me...and quite honestly I was really discouraged about it, thinking about how much we had invested into these goats, and trying to figure out why they weren't winning. :) Anna thinks the judge was mad at me for some reason... but I don't know. :P My goats were like SO not behaving that first day...oh boy it was NOT good!!
Wednesday turned out to be the big day. We left a little bit later, because my girls don't show until later in the day. While we were waiting I decided that I wanted to try out riding some Go-Karts that some of the others had drove the day before. It turned out being so fun!! Andrew and I got a 2 seater because he's not tall enough to drive one, and we were moving!! Poor Micah was so frustrated with his car because it didn't seem to go as fast and Anna and I kept passing him up. :) I think Andrew was just a bit worried about how fast we were taking the corners. :P We ended up doing it again when Caleb, Dan and Elijah came up later in the afternoon. I embarrassed myself really bad though the second time I drove. :P LOL got in trouble rather, it was pretty funny. :D And my back is majorly sore from driving them, they have absolutely NO padding and it's super bumpy. :) Rather painful sitting in hard backed chairs at the moment. :)
The show started out with me placing 4th in the open show with Main Attraction, which was higher than yesterday. And THEN my girl Shardae took 2nd place out of a large and VERY competitive class of juniors! I was SO happy! Andrew's doe placed a lot higher than the other time as well. The doe that placed 1st in front of Shardae ended up going Grand Champion Junior doe, so Shardae had a chance at Reserve, but it ended up going to a yearling doe.
The Youth show was really small, but we got Grand Champion, and Reserve, and then ended up getting Best Junior Doe in Show with Shardae. :) I was really happy about that too. It was so much fun, and certainly made up for the day before!
It was my first dairy show ever, and I really enjoyed it. Learned a lot and am looking forward to the one in Tulsa next week. :)
But for now...I'm getting ready for the Boer goat show on Saturday. Elijah and I took them to get their health papers this morning, and we'll be taking them up to the fair tomorrow afternoon to get them all prepped up. I'm taking seven, three bucks, and four does. Should be fun!
Bethany, it looks like you did great! Congratulations!
The pictures are great, did Anna take them?
Also, it looks like you all had a great time. We missed you on Sunday!
Hope to see you soon!
Congratulations Bethany! It looks like y'all had a lot of fun. I'm glad the goats did better for you the second day. It's much more fun to show when you actually win something. ;-) I hope the Boer show goes as well for you.
God bless,
I'm so glad you won something! Can't wait to see how you do at the Tulsa fair!
I love the go-kart pictures!!!! =D
Hannah B.
CONGRATULATIONS BESH!!! THat is SOO great! :) Bet you were just so excited! :)
Love the pictures! :) Hey, you look nice in all white! :P "Y"
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