Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Too Cute!

As I was working on organizing all our pictures (which is a never ending task) I came across these two from October that I thought were just adorable. I got about 400 or so named so they will be easy to find and still about 2500 to go, pictures taken just since October!! And then of course they keep multiplying, because Anna dosen't stop taking pictures. :)

Anyway, just thought I'd post something, not alot going on around here right now. Some friends brought their two goats over today that they had gotten from me back in the summer to get bred. So I was very happy to get to see "my babies" again! They have gotten so big and pretty.



Cheryl said...

I agree-too cute! :o)
Keep posting...I like seeing pictures!

Love ya,

Danielle said...

Would love to see more pictures! Those were adorable! :)

Love, Danielle

Anonymous said...

Aren't sibling great! What would we do without them?
That was a very cute post!!