Well I figured I'd do a blog post real quick, since I'm going to have a lot going on the next few weeks, and not sure when I'll get a chance to do one for a little while. :) We got back from KS on Saturday, we were up there visiting my Dad's sister and her family. It was a lot of fun!! My cousin Hannah has two little inside dogs, Annie Buggers (Yorkie/Corgi mix) and then the newest one Zoe (Maltese/Yorkie mix) they are both so cute!! Duffy and Dooley had a blast playing with Zoe, Annie was not so happy about so many dogs invading her home though so she pouted pretty much the whole time. :( We managed to get a picture of the four cousins...although they were NOT cooperating at all, I was holding Duffy's tail down so he would stay sitting. :P
Micah got to go deer hunting...and we went for a walk out on some of Uncle Jerry's property...the bad thing was it was SO muddy there from all the snow melting, and I only brought my really nice boots I just bought, and flip flops. So not wanting to mess my boots up I just wore the flip flops...and boy did my feet ever get muddy!! It was fun though! And then Jerry found a dead deer out there, it was one he had been watching grow for like 5 years...too bad he was hoping to be able to hunt it one of these days.
Nerf guns were also the big thing there...LOL those darts were like EVERYWHERE!! :D They little ones...and big ones too had fun shooting each other. :P Okay so I do like Nerf guns. :D They come in real handy sometimes...better watch out Dannie! :D
The Burnett family is supposed to be coming here in just a few minutes...always fun when we get together with them! And then later this evening I'll be going to pick up Danielle at the airport! Can't wait! She will be going with us to the San Antonio Film Festival, Lord willing.
Anyway, guess that's all for now!!
Wow!looks like ya'll had fun!!!
love,Maggie :OD
*happy sigh*...what fun times!!
We're so blessed with such special family and friends! :)
@nn@ :)
Those 4 'cousins' look like an interesting bunch! :P
Thanks for the GREAT time we had at y'alls house!!! You should post pictures of that Dutch Blitz game! CRAZY!! Y'all are so much fun. :)
Love ya,
Looks like a fun time!
Oh my, never mind the mud!! Didn't you just FREEZE your feet? Ö
Anyway, I'm so glad you had fun! :D Hope to see more posts coming on your fun-times! =)
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