Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Baby Born!!

But not a goat yet... :) One of Elijah's cows had a little heifer yesterday, she is sooo adorable!! We had just been making guesses the day before on which would go first, my goat or Elijah's cow...and most everybody thought it would be baby goats first, but we were wrong! :D Only 3 more days until Main Attraction is due though, so it should be soon.

Meanwhile we were able to get the new "baby barn" all framed up, now just to put the metal on and then build a pen around it, will be very nice!

Wow with all the snow melting it is quite the mud mess outside, it was pretty interesting driving the 4 wheeler through it taking hay out to the goats this morning...fun though and reminded me of just how much I love farm life...despite the mud. :)


Eliya said...

She's so cute! And the barn looks great. Enjoy the snow! I can't wait to see Main Attraction's babies. I KNOW they will be adorable. I have to wait for the 3rd week in March for my babies. But then I have 14 does due in one week - 7 on Tuesday and 7 on Thursday. I think I must be crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think that is the Sweetest face I have ever seen. Will ya'll keep the little girl? Or will you sell her?

I can't wait to see all the cute little kids comming up:) Your barn looks very nice, I am sure it will come in handy.


Anonymous said...

Wow! The cow is HUGE!

I'm only used to seeing our scrawny 2 year old bulls.... :)

The baby IS cute! All babies are adorable. :)

Sarah G.

The Ahlgren Family said...
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The Ahlgren Family said...

I saw your title(pics hadn't loaded yet) and thought there was a kid, "And she's on her blog already?" but this is from a few days ago... oh well... maybe tonight or tomorrow!
That calf is very cute, and Shenandoah looks like she means business!
Hoping all goes well!