We had a great trip to Dickinson TX for our Thanksgiving get together at Nana and Pop's house. We left early Wednesday morning and arrived at about 1:00, actually made the trip in 8 hours, with only 1 stop, quite the record! :) And OF COURSE Duffy came along with us, he's a good traveler and just slept the whole way pretty much in my lap. :)
Nana and Pop, and Uncle Jerry, Aunt Tami, and cousins Hannah and Garret were there at the house. After getting settled in we headed over to Uncle Todd's house (Dad's brother) to see some amazing landscaping he has done in his back yard. It was really neat, and SO pretty! And then that evening we went to some indoor batting cages that Todd owns, it was a lot of fun hitting soft balls. Except for the fact that I KEPT hitting the things on the handle....and man did it ever hurt. My hands were like swollen afterwards, but it was worth it. :)
Thursday was cooking and eating lots of food! As well as some more of the cousins arriving. AND the traditional Football game...which HAD to be played despite having to almost drag some people off the couch. I just watched of course (I do know better than to play tackle football with my brothers) but it a lot of fun just seeing them play, it was a pretty serious game to say the least! We stayed up until 2:00 or so that evening playing Canasta, it's the big game at our family get togethers. :)
Friday was our beach day...it was SO much fun! We were planning on taking family pictures so we all wore white tops and jean bottoms..actually everybody that came with us wore white too so they could fit in. :) Duffy had an absolute BLAST! As soon as I set him down on that sand he just took off running and playing and played the whole time we were there. :) He wouldn't come in the water though, much as I tried...as soon as the tide came up he'd dash to higher ground. :)
Friday night being the last night we stayed up til 3:30 in the morning! Needless to say, everybody was rather tired....so things were a bit crazy! :P :D OH I forgot to say that evening we order 21 pizza's to feed everybody there!! WOW! That's a record!
Hannah loves Duffy just about as much as I do...and he quickly figured that out. :) She has a dog too, a Yorkie mix named "Annie Boogers." :D Duffy still has yet to meet his Doggy cousin though...hopefully sometime soon. :)
It was such a fun trip and we all greatly enjoyed it, we are so blessed to have such wonderful extended family!
How fun and nice to get together with family.
Hey Besh!
Thanks for posting! I enjoyed the great pics. Wow! That is A LOT of pizza!!!
Anna, your hair looks so pretty and curly! Love ya'll ~Abe
Y'all must have had SUCH a blast!!! Your Nana and Pop are so fun! I can only imagine how crazy it must have gotten....I don't know if I'll EVER forget when your Uncle Todd did "the Dutch" across y'alls living room floor! =D
You got some nice pictures with your "baby" on the beach! :P
Glad you had a fun trip!
Love ya,
I'm so happy you guys had such a great time over Thanksgiving at the beach. Agreed, I like your curly hair too! So cute!
Also, I have been meaning to tell you that I am loving your goat milk soap! It's awesome. So clean and soft. I got the lavender scent and I love it. I gave my mom and mother-in-law a bar this weekend, and plan to order more soon. I had lost it in the move, then remembered I had it! Good thing! I'm sad I didn't remember before now! Anyway, I hope lots of people buy it for Christmas because it makes a really nice gift!
Love ya'll,
Oh Besh, I love this post!!!! Your trip sounds like it was wonderful!! :) So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and such a great time with your family! :) I love seeing the pictures of Hannah too, now I can really put a face with a name! :)
Your picture with Duffy is SOO cute and your aunt is beautiful...and of course so are you girls!!! :)
Love you!
Mucho Quiero! ;)
That was SOO much FUN!!!! We do have so much to be thankful for!!
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