Life has been kinda busy for me the past couple weeks!! I thought I'd do a quick update...and since I have an iphone now I have quite a few pics even though they aren't the best quality at least you can get an idea of what I've been up to.
A few weeks ago I flew up to IL to visit my best ever friend Danielle, we had a blast together and I loved getting to see her and my favorite little boy ever, Layton. He is just way too cute!!
A few weeks ago I flew up to IL to visit my best ever friend Danielle, we had a blast together and I loved getting to see her and my favorite little boy ever, Layton. He is just way too cute!!
Needless to say I loved my visit up there and can't wait to see them again!!
Oh and yes it SNOWED while I was up there, lol I wasn't quite prepared for that, but it was pretty cool since I didn't have to go out and do chores in it. :)
Once back home I had about a million things planned....getting caught up on work and mostly getting the goats bred, I had about 5 of them ready to breed just a few days after arriving home, and since I'm doing mostly artifical insemination (don't get grossed out, it's just goats!!) it was quite the job! I get to use a lot of new genetics that way, and have access to really high dollar animals that I wouldn't be able to breed to otherwise. So here's hoping I can get quite a few of them settled!!
And then it was time for the whole family to pack up and head to Dickinson Texas to visit family for Thanksgiving, we had quite the adventure, including car difficulties and some people getting sick...but we managed to have a blast anyway. I'm so blessed with such a wonderful family!
We also took my two inside dogs Duffy and Dooley, and then my Aunt Tami had her 3 dogs, so Nana and Pops house was quite full with 5 dogs and a whole bunch of people, it was awesome. :)

It was great to see Caleb and Kristen, so glad they got to fly in from MD! I think Kristen passed the test with all of our family, they loved her. :)
Documenting all the desserts ;)

Stayed up late and played our all time favorite card game, Canasta.

Had fun with my adorable little cousin Ty, he's so cute!
We headed home on Saturday, driving back with Uncle Jerry, and Aunt Tami. It was raining solid for about the 1st two hours and Anna's car was having some major difficulties with the steering locking up. Not the best thing when you are driving on the highway through Houston with lots of traffic. However Elijah thought it would be "fine" and we kept going. That is until the battery light came on and said the charge system wasn't working correctly. So we decided to get off at that point and went to a Chevy dealership who thankfully after about an hour of waiting was able to get it fixed by putting a moisture/rain guard on because supposedly the rain was getting on the belt and causing the steering to slip.
Thankfully we made it back home without anymore troubles!!