Wednesday, May 5, 2010

some baby pictures!

Well I don't have time for a real long post, but thought I'd at least post some pictures!! I know I'm loooonnngggg over due, things have been busy around here. These two little girls were born this afternoon, out of my doe I got flown in from CA last year, Lakeshore Hot To Trot. I have a show coming up this weekend, Lord willing. It will be a lot of fun, I'm so excited about it! I'll be taking 9 of my Nubians to show, and probably Hot To Trot's babies will have to come along so I can take care of them...and maybe her too because I'm not sure she will have the milking routine down well enough for Hosanna to be able to handle her.

For some reason Dooley had escaped outside and he was finding the baby goats quite interesting! Oh and please note the pictures were taken by "GoatGirl" photography...and I don't totally know how to use Anna's camera so some of the pics are kinda blurry. lol :)


Bethany said...

Adorable pictures! The kids look really nice! Do you have any pics of their mother freshened up for the first time? Are you happy with them?

I love show season too! We were at our first show last weekend and we have another on the 15th. :) Love this time of the year!


Elizabeth said...

Those babies are so adorable!

Do you still have goat soap available? I am interested in buying some. I have made regular cow milk soap once and am looking forward to making some with goat's milk for my second batch.

I would appreciate any advice you could share for making goat's milk soap. If you have time that is. :-) Thank you!


Elizabeth said...

Those babies are so adorable!

Do you still have goat soap available? I am interested in buying some. I have made regular cow milk soap once and am looking forward to making some with goat's milk for my second batch.

I would appreciate any advice you could share for making goat's milk soap. If you have time that is. :-) Thank you!


Elizabeth said...

Sorry, I accidentally duplicated the comments 3 times! Didn't mean to do that.